Thursday, February 19, 2009


I know you all have been waiting to hear my little nuggets of wisdom lately. It has been a while since I have read blogs. I tried going back a few tonight but I am further behind than I realized. Since I was planning on blogging and expect you all to read it, I thought I'd better make an attempt to read yours first. So here is my catsup:

Travis...this is for you!

The rest of the Baker clan...what is going on? I hope you can all get healthy and stay that way! Enough already!

Diane...Are you better yet? You seem to have been so sick. It is understandable that you have gotten so down lately based on how you are feeling. Hang in there!

Heidi...sniff sniff. Seriously, no more seriousness with you. Our babies grow up too fast. How exciting Jack is in his big boy bed but how sad that your "baby" stage is over. I hope he has adjusted now.

KT...YOU TOO! Stop with the cry fest already. I feel your ache with the whole transition to Kindergarten. It is rough. Especially since we are 4 months from the end and we agreed I would go back to work when our youngest went to 1st grade. Sounds like a perfect time to get pregnant! me later???? don't know me but I read your blog and you are funny. You say everything I think but cannot say. I am so with you on the whole bathroom shoes concept. I need a pair for the library and grocery store, the places my anxiety causes me a bathroom emergency. are such an awesome husband. You say great things about your wife. She is lucky to have you. Did you find out anything about your internship? Selfishly, I hope you didn't get anything, got kicked out of your program and are taking a job collecting pennies from fountains around OC...that way we can have you for our softball team full time! And if you did get something...well..good for you, bad for us! :0)

KT again...We had a boy that was made fun of. Dennis was his name. Everyone was so mean to him and he wasn't strange or anything. Just red headed with freckles. I feel so awful I never stood up for him. Especially now that I have my own freckled faced little guy who is so amazing and so handsome. MAN! I hope he is somewhere good and knows that because I didn't have the strength to stop others from saying awful things does not mean I believed what they were saying.

Jon...I am waiting!

Don...thanks for the movie reviews. I won't see anything until after the awards show but now have an idea of who to vote for at the Oscar party. I want to win prize!

Sarah...I am watching the Amazing Race as I type this and it made me think of you. I think you and I both feel the same pull to be a part of this type of experience. But our responsibilities stand in the way. Congrats on your personal amazing race (a month ago...I am late...I know!)

Jennifer...So glad everything worked out with Brian's job. And Emily sure is getting cute (a response to Don's Blog but shes yours so you get the shout out)

KG, CT and JM...until you post again, I got nothing for you!


Heidi said...

So you do still read blogs!

I don't know how you are able to do all the stuff you do.

It's good to see a blog post from you - you've been missed!

VikingMom said...

Travis appreciated the ketchup sandwich...he did notice that yours had fries on it and thought maybe he should add those the next time. If he becomes a famous chef someday he can than you for the french fry inspiration!