Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Bit Of Everything

FYI-If you need exactly 1 square foot of fake grass, it will take exactly 5 Ace Hardware employees to figure out how to cut it.

FYI-If you are without cable, internet and phone service, save yourself some time, don't call Time Warner, jump off a bridge instead.

As an Undergrad, my motto was if you study drunk, take the test drunk...I got a 4.0
I am curious, in Graduate School, if I study in my jammies, should I wear jammies to my finals?

We saw Bolt last week. It was the best $12 nap I have had in a long time. I highly recommend it! Go to the 3-D theatre. The glasses cover your eyes and the kids don't even know you are alseep!

FYI-Sometimes your fuel tank is like a chocolate shake. That was the way the nice man put it when he told me there's nothing wrong with my car. It was way over my head.

FYI-I am up to date on my Blog reading but have no time to comment. There is a lot to say about the nuggets you all have given me lately. Be patient. I will get to you!

I am done Christmas shopping AND wrapping but still need to buy something for Meg's birthday. It is 4 days after Christmas so it's best to lump it with the rest spending. This is late for me. I am usually done by Halloween. I am slipping people. Slipping.

In Sunday school today, I caught a certain someone sticking her tongue out at a girl she had just tattled on for doing the same offensive act. And she was really mad I caught her! If you think this is your child, you are probably right!

FYI-I FINALLY lost that toenail! Now I can get a pedicure. And a haircut. A wax. A facial. Everything revolves around a pedicure.

Anyone know where I can buy loose tea?

FYI-Red crayon VS. Laundry in the dryer...always bet on the crayon. BUT W-D40 takes the race because it will remove said crayon. However you will stink for weeks.

I also had an unfortunate incident with a sharpie today. It might have involved a small child. It was ugly.

That's all the time I can afford right now. You people will get sick of me when I go on Christmas break!


Sarah B. said...

Time Warner Cable STINKS....we had problems and it took them forever to get it straight. Now my Dad is dealing with them and thinking of going VIOS or FIOS...something I don't know about but my Dad and Brandon thought it was way cooler. I think I know the Sunday School culprit, I have missed out on working in th Lighthouse this month and miss those little rascals, never thought I would hear myself say that...and I can't imagine how pretty the crayon turned all your clothes. Thank goodness the one time I did that it was just socks and underwear so we had lots of pink socks and And wow to having Christmas done and wrapped. You may think you are slipping but I am very impressed.

Kristi said...

Come over. I have some divine white tea I bought for Curtis in NYC. It cost me like 20 bucks for a tiny little thing and he's had 1 cup. BOO!

Glad nothing is wrong with your car.
I hate Time Warner. But Verizon is worse. So there is that.
Don't jump off a bridge.
Stay away from sharpies.
Wear your jammies to class.
I also slept through bolt - which was good because Haley was so confused afterwards, I needed the nap to prepare for all her questions.

And also - as crazy as you feel right are still more together than 95 percent of us.

love u.

VikingMom said...

Wow. If you're slipping, then I want to slip like you! I think I have maybe two at the most three Christmas presents on hand already and I have 4 kids! As for the jammie thing, give it a try...all that can happen is your mom will roll her eyes at you. (She's one of your prof's right?)

As for Timewarner, we're thinking of FIOS with Verizon...but I'm not sold yet. I think it's because I'm too lazy. And as for Lighthouse, I think I know who you're talking about and I only work in there once in a blue moon. :)'re awesome, have I ever told you that?

Heidi said...

I've missed your blog.

Wear your jammies.

Halloween? Really?