Sunday, April 13, 2008

Good Day

Today was a good day.

Went to Church, taught in the 4 year olds. Didn't get to go to service but my hubby bought me the CD so I will catch up before Bible Studay tomorrow. That's two weeks in a row...I really need to be filled up next week! At all costs.

Came home, ate a quick lunch, went to my game. Jon took kids to Cub Scout Nature Hike.

We won. I scored the winning run. (Not "hit" but "scored") We are in first place by 2 games. It feels good!

Came home, washed Jon's cars, showered and had a snack. Rest of the family came home.

Folded laundry while kids played with neighbors. Took kids and a few neighbors to the park to skateboard and play. Came home. Washed my car. Had dinner, Jon went to board Meeting. Got kids showered and to bed. Had a margarita while working. Watched all my shows. Now my hubby has opened a bottle of bubbly to celebrate his raise and we are watching The Soup. Time to turn in soon! I love days with no drama!


Diane Davis said...

what a day. i went to church, came home, and fell asleep in front of the Masters. nice.

Kristi said...

yeah no drama!!! and jon got another raise??? AWESOME!

Heidi said...

wow what a day... congratulations to jon on his raise - yay!!

discomommy said...

Well after taxes and retirement it doesn't amount to much each week but I am still proud of him!!!