Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Oral Fixation

So speaking of DNA (Baker Family), I am fed up with mine. Jon got to give the kids all the cute things like being ticklish on the tushy (don't try it ladies, he's mine!), the crooked pinky, blonde hair and blue eyes. My children got the short end of the stick from me...they are genetically predisposed to weak enamel. Our teeth are so weak it is ridiculous. Dylan had to have silver crowns on all his molars when he was 4 because the decay was so rapid and porcelain was not strong enough (YES! WE DO BRUSH AND FLOSS!!). Megan has it a bit better than him. She has only had small "weak spots" that we have treated early on with porcelain. We had been successful with that treatment so far.

In November we had our FIRST visit to the dentist that didn't leave me feeling like I had been punched in the stomach. Both kids had no cavities, no new weak spots and other than the obvious spacing issues, things looked great. Today, not so fortunate.

Dylan has an abscessed tooth. It is so infected that there is a big bloody blister on his gum. Apparently he had told Jon about this but wasn't complaining about pain so he just thought it was from a cancer sore like D had said. I felt like a big dummy for not having noticed the boil inside my kids mouth. UGH! So he referred me to an oral surgeon and said it needs to come out ASAP! I have heard about what infections in the mouth can do so I will not put this off.

So Megan lost one of her fillings and it needs to be replaced. I felt like strangling the doctor. Those fillings are less than a year old. Why do I have to pay to redo his work? Isn't there a warranty? So tomorrow I get to take her to replace that, then walk over to the oral surgeon's office and show them Dylan's mouth so we can get a rush appointment.

Now you know how we will be spending our stimulus package!

By the way, of all the disabilities, disorders, diseases and deformities my children could have, I am certainly counting my blessings that this is what we were given.


VikingMom said...

Hey, now your kids can spend the rest of their life blaming you for all of their teeth issues. At least that's what I do to my mom. She tells me about the horrors of her teeth and it's like going to a fortune teller. I know I'm only a few decades behind and will go through the same exact thing some day.

Bad teeth are not fun. I do know however, that the good you've given them far outweighs the soft enamel.

Diane Davis said...

This does not sound like fun.

In the winter when I have itchy skin, I totally blame my parents for my eczema. They both have it. Why did they marry when they both have the same condition that they would pass on to their children?

This is why I tell Brian we can't have biological children. Because we both have large noses. We'd be sure to have a Gonzo child and that just isn't fair, right? :)

Diane Davis said...

oh how i love not having to type in the word verification! you rock!